It’s time to start thinking about #Riverdale50! For students interested in a Band Leadership position (Wind, Guard, Percussion), this is your one-stop shop for information. There will be 4 Leadership training sessions and an in-depth application process. Students pursuing a Guard leadership position should complete the Band Leadership Application and the Guard-specific application.
For students interested in auditioning to be Field Commander or Assistant Field Commander, there will be 3 additional help sessions with a guest instructor (Former MTSU Drum Major and Smyrna Middle School Band Director, Lindsey Mears). More details to come soon….
Before completing the Leadership application, students need to prepare a resume’ detailing any leadership and / or band experience. You’ll be asked to upload a copy during the application process so save a copy as a Word doc or PDF in advance. You’ll also need to visit the Truity website below and complete the DISC Personality Assessment. Save a copy as a PDF to upload during the application process. If you have trouble uploading either, email the documents to the Directors’ at
Lastly, the Leadership application takes 15-20 minutes to complete. We’ve included a PDF of the application so you may look over and prepare your thoughts ahead of time. The deadline to complete your application is Friday, April 16. We’ll conduct brief interviews with all applicants in late April / early May. Good luck, and if you have any questions, the Directors’ are just an email away.
Leadership Informational PowerPoint
Leadership Meetings
May 23, 3:30-4:30 pm
April 6, 13, 20, 3:30-4:30 pm
Leadership Application
Viewable PDF of application – Leadership PDF
DISC Personality Assessment
Guard Leadership Application (must complete Band Leadership app and DISC Assessment, too).
Field Commander Training Dates
April 20, 22, 29, 4-5pm. Auditions are Mon. May 3, 4-5:30 pm.