Wind Ensemble
Course #3530E
Prerequisites – Auditioned ensemble with Instructor approval required to enroll.
Open by audition only to students experienced on wind and percussion instruments in grades 10-12. Occasional after-school rehearsals are scheduled for performance preparation. Rehearsals and performances are required of participants. Performances will include, but not be limited to marching, concerts, and festival performance assessments. Students will rehearse and perform a wide-range of music; from half-time and pep tunes, to quality concert literature and chamber music. (Music Grade Levels 4-6). There are financial and performance apparel requirements. This course may include field trip(s). Only Honors Wind Ensemble and Advanced Honors Wind Ensemble courses are available; students are required to participate in activities such as Lessons, Mid-State Auditions, Chamber Ensembles, and Solo & Ensemble, in addition to auditioning to be considered for these advanced courses.
Symphonic Band
Course #3530S
Prerequisites –Instructor approval required to enroll.
Open by audition to students experienced on wind and percussion instruments in grades 9-12. Symphonic Band students are encouraged to participate in lessons and mid-state auditions; Honors Symphonic Band students are required to participate in activities such as lessons, mid-state auditions, chamber ensembles, and solo & ensemble performances. Occasional after-school rehearsals are scheduled for performance preparation. Performances will include, but not be limited to marching, concerts, and festival performance assessments. Rehearsals and performances are required of participants. Students will rehearse and perform a wide-range of music; from half-time and pep tunes, to quality concert literature and chamber music. (Music Grade Levels 3-5) There are financial and performance apparel requirements. This course may include field trip(s).
Concert Band
Course #3530W & 3530B
Prerequisites –Instructor approval required to enroll.
Designed for first-year members of the Riverdale Band. Course is limited to 9th grade students and others, as necessary. Lessons and mid-state auditions are encouraged. Occasional after-school rehearsals are scheduled for performance preparation. Performances will include, but not limited to marching, concerts, and festival performance assessments. Rehearsals and performances are required of participants. Students will rehearse and perform a wide-range of music; from half-time and pep tunes, to quality concert literature (Grades 2-4) and chamber music. There are financial and performance apparel requirements. This course may include field trip(s).
Marching Band
The Riverdale Marching Band is required of all Riverdale Band students. If you are registered for Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Color Guard, Jazz Band, or Percussion I/II, you are a part of the Riverdale Marching Band! Exemptions may be made by the band directors on an individual basis under extreme circumstances. Contact us at with any inquiries.
The Marching Band at Riverdale is one of the most visible organizations of the school and is comprised of student musicians who strive for excellence in music and in daily life.
Color Guard and Winter Guard
GUARD-FLAG CLASS: 1 Credit (Grades 9-12)
Course #3530G
Prerequisites – Auditioned ensemble with Instructor approval required to enroll.
This class will focus on the preparation and performance of guard fundamentals, flag work, dance, and motion. Students will study the fundamentals and advanced techniques required for performance. This course is required for all members of the high school band guard section. Guard members who play an instrument may enroll in the appropriate band class with instructor approval. After-school rehearsals are scheduled for performance preparation. Rehearsals and performances are required of participants. Performances will include, but not be limited to marching at football games and competitions, parades, and other events as scheduled. Students will perform with the marching band. There are financial and performance apparel requirements. This course may include field trip(s).
Percussion Ensembles
Course #3530P
Prerequisites –Instructor approval required to enroll.
This class will focus on the study and performance of music literature appropriate to the percussion ensemble. Students will study the fundamentals and advanced techniques on snare drum, timpani, mallet percussion, and accessory instruments. This course is required for all members of the high school percussion section. Occasional after-school rehearsals are scheduled for performance preparation with wind instrumentalists. Rehearsals and performances are required of participants. Performances will include, but not be limited to marching, concerts, and festival performances. Students will perform with the concert bands (Wind Band, Symphonic Band, & Wind Ensemble). There are financial and performance apparel requirements. This course may include field trip(s).
Jazz Band
APPLIED JAZZ BANDS: 1 Credit (Grades 9-12)
Course #3530J
Prerequisites – Auditioned ensemble with Instructor approval required to enroll.
This course focuses on basic fundamentals, techniques, music theory, and performance skills needed to perform in a variety of jazz ensembles. Applied Jazz Bands is not a substitute for concert band or percussion class. Students will prepare for performances including concerts and local jazz festivals. Occasional after-school rehearsals are scheduled for performance preparation. Rehearsals and performances are required of participants. Instrumentation is limited to saxophones, trombones, trumpets, piano, bass and rhythm guitar, and percussion instruments. There are financial and performance apparel requirements. This course may include field trip(s).
Chamber Ensembles
Chamber ensembles are a place to achieve substantial growth as a musician and person. Chamber ensembles at Riverdale High School are entirely led by students, with occasional coaching sessions from Directors. Students are responsible for forming, selecting literature, and rehearsing their chamber groups in addition to running logistics for any performances set to take place outside of school. Typically, chamber ensembles consist of only one person on a part; this allows students to become more proficient on their instrument(s), and for communication and leadership skills to be honed. Riverdale chamber ensembles have a rich history of community outreach and engagement. Ensembles can be made of any instrumentation, though some of the most common are: percussion ensemble, brass choir, woodwind choir, brass quintet, woodwind quintet, saxophone quartet, and tuba-euphonium quartet.