Established in 1972, the Riverdale High School Band has a long tradition of success.
Opened (along with Oakland High School) after the closing of the original Murfreesboro
Central High School, our legacy extends far past 1972.
Mr. Bob Lee, Riverdale’s first Director of Bands, came to RHS from Murfreesboro
Central High School. While at CHS, he won the prestigious MTSU Contest of
Champions. His predecessor at Central was Wayne Pegram, who eventually went to
work with the bands at the University of Tennessee – Knoxville and then served as
Director of Bands at Tennessee Technological University.
Mr. Lee left Riverdale in 1981 to serve Austin Peay State University as Director of
Bands. He was followed at RHS by Mr. Ron Meers, who served as Director until his
retirement in 2012. During his tenure, Mr. Meers served as MTSBOA President,
oversaw auditions for the Tennessee Governor’s School for the Arts, and served as
President of TMEA. Upon his retirement, he began to serve TMEA as Executive
Secretary. Many of our current band traditions and music were established by these
three gentlemen.
Our history is one of excellence and rich in tradition. In marching, the band has been a
finalist at the Contest of Champions, champion at several contests throughout the
southeast and as far north as Toronto, Canada. Performances have taken the band
throughout the United States, from California to Texas, from New York to Chicago, and
include a performance at the 1995 Sugar Bowl.
The Riverdale Band is not just a marching program, as our concert bands receive
superior ratings and several ensembles have performed at several events of
significance. The Riverdale Band has performed at the National Band Association
Biennial Conference; the Jazz Band, a clinic for the 2009 Tennessee Music Education
Association Professional Development Conference; and the saxophone ensemble, at
the 2013 National Association for Music Education National Convention.
Additionally, the Riverdale Band is a consistent fixture at the TMEA State Concert
Festival. These opportunities for individual growth are beneficial for students not only for
their inherent value, but also for potential college scholarships, regardless of major.
Former Riverdale Band students serve in a variety of capacities today; band directors,
lawyers, doctors, politicians, and as touring musicians, just to name a few.