Dear Band Students and Parents,
We know you’re disappointed about band camp being canceled: we are too.
With school about to start, there’s no way to actually postpone an entire week of camp. However, that’s exactly what we’re going to do.
“Huh?” “What?” “That’s crazy!” “How?” “Are you nuts?”
(Well, we must be nuts because that’s exactly what we plan to do.)
Once we get back in school and better know how this fall is going to work, we plan to have some of our camp staff members come in throughout the fall. Instead of our students drinking from the firehose of band camp knowledge, we’re going to trickle out a steady stream of learning throughout the fall.
For our after-school rehearsals, we’ll have masterclasses, sectionals, and hopefully, new experiences for our students.
Will it be the same as good ol’ band camp?… Probably not.
Will it be better?… We think so.
We know it’ll smell better, for sure (there’ll be no band camp scent of sunscreen mixed with sweat).
That’s a win-win for everyone, right? 😊
Just keep the following things in mind:
- Just because it’s different doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s how we respond to change that matters.
- What challenges us, changes us.
- You’ll still receive the same level and quality of instruction that band camp offers, just spread out over a longer period of time (bonus!).
- Most importantly, we’re here for you! If you don’t know, ask questions! We’re learning, too!
You might find that you actually like this fall better than “what we used to do.” Or maybe not. It’s new, it’s different, and it’s going to be an adventure!
Remember, we’re in this together!
We’ll be navigating through this with you – and there’s nothing that we can’t do when we work together.
We can’t wait to see you!
Mr. Aymett & Mr. Crossley