Band Forms & Registration Materials 2021-2022

Online Student Information Page (replaces paper copy in Form Packet)

How to submit a payment? Mail, Online, and Drop-off options available

  • Due Date: 5/21 – $150 – Installment #1
  • Due Date: 6/16 – $150 – Installment #2
  • Due Date: 7/14 – $150 – Installment #3
  • Due Date: 8/11 – $150 – Installment #4
  1. Mail payments to

Riverdale HS Band Boosters

P.O. Box 2337

Murfreesboro, TN 37133-2337

  • Credit Card Payments

  • Students can drop payments in Booster Payment Box in Band Director’s office. Please place all payments in an envelope and clearly indicate Student Name and Purpose of Payment.
  • Payments will be accepted at Uniform Fittings and at any Band Booster Meeting.

Spring & Summer Activities Update

Good afternoon,

It’s been awhile since we touched base on band activities, but thankfully, things are looking up for a more normal band experience in 2021-2022. There’s a lot an info to share so hang on!


With 2020-2021 drawing to a close, it’s time to welcome a new booster board and volunteers to help ensure our students have a successful band experience. Whatever you’re able to offer, there’s an opportunity for every level of availability. If you are willing to serve on the board or volunteer in any capacity, please let Mark Seely, our ’20-’21 booster president know –  Your involvement means these students will have a great opportunity!


Principal Blair and the Riverdale HS administration has been very supportive of our students and ensuring that they get a performance opportunity – we’re excited that our students will have a spring concert! To make this happen, we will have to follow the same guidelines as TSSAA basketball. Audience members;

  1. must have a ticket (more on that in a moment),
  2. will undergo a temperature check when entering the gym hallway,
  3. will need to wear a mask.
  4. will sit in socially distanced family groups.

 We’ve split the concert into two evenings;

  • the Wind Ensemble (4th period with select percussion) and Jazz Band will perform on Tues. April 27, at 6:30 pm in the gym,
  • Symphonic Band and Percussion Ensembles (1st, 2nd, 6th, & 7th periods) will perform on Tues. May 4th, at 6:30 pm in the gym.

Due to limited band room space, students will arrive in staggered intervals;

  • 5:00 pm Floor crew,
  • 5:15 pm Woodwinds,
  • 5:30 pm Percussion,
  • 5:45 pm Brass,

Now, about tickets… each student may request up to 4 tickets for their concert performance date. Here’s the link to request tickets (link closes this Friday, April 16);

Student concert attire is “dressy,” meaning no jeans, shorts, t-shirts… think along the lines of what Grandma called “Sunday Best.”


For our new and returning students, there will be a mandatory information meeting, Thurs. May 6th. Incoming 9th & 10th graders will meet 6:00-6:45 in the main cafeteria. Rising 11th & 12th graders will meet 7:00-7:45 in the main cafeteria. Students will need a parent in attendance. Summer/fall band schedules and financial information will be covered.

IMPORTANTAll members will need to complete the band registration link at, so we know who to expect in band and have a way of communicating prior to band camp. This link is also on


We are also excited that we are able to plan a band camp this summer! To aid in your summer planning, camp is scheduled for the following dates and times;

  • July 19, (Monday), 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, all freshmen and sophomores,
  • July 20-22, (Tues.-Thurs), 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, all students,
  • July 26-29, (Mon.-Thurs), 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, all students.

Guard and Percussion will have additional times/info for these dates (will post as we get closer to summer).

As a helpful reference, this information is also available at Thanks for your support of these students!

Musically yours,

Mr. Aymett & Mr. Crossley

Leadership Training #Riverdale50

MTSBOA Mid-State Band / Orchestra / Jazz Audition Registration

Deadline for all Forms and Fees – Fri. Oct. 23

You can audition on a maximum of 2 instruments and if you audition for jazz, you may audition on an additional 2 instruments. If you are auditioning for Orchestra, that comes from your Band audition. TMEA All – STATE Band, Orchestra, and Jazz Band will be comprised of the top chairs from East, Middle, and West TN. Riverdale has a long tradition of mid-state and All-State musicians, good luck!

For 2020-2021, auditions will be based on 1) Prepared Music, 2) 4 scales, 3) chromatic scale. There is no Sight-Reading requirement this year.


Cost is $10 per audition (cash or check, payable to “Riverdale Band Boosters”).
You will not be registered until you pay the audition fee (required by MTSBOA).

Questions? See Mr. Aymett or Mr. Crossley

Calendar Sync Instructions for Phone

iOS Devices (iPhone)

To Sync the Riverdale Band calendar to your iOS device, CLICK HERE for instructions. You will need to copy and paste the following URL for STEP 5 of the instructions:

Android Devices

How to Subscribe to a Calendar on Android

  1. Open your web browser.
  2. Copy and Paste this link:
  3. Click the + icon and select “Add Calendar” (bottom right)
  4. *It may prompt you to sign in to your account
  5. Click “Add Calendar

School Owned Instrument Check Out

Please bring in a check payable for $50 (payable to RHS BAND BOOSTERS) for rental fee


Percussion Class Materials List

Freshman Year

  • 1 pair-Concert Snare Sticks-IP-LD or IP-JC
  • 1 pair-Marimba Mallets- IP2003 or IP300
  • 1 pair-Xylophone/Bell mallets-IP904 or IP-902
  • 1 pair- Timpani Mallets- GT-3
  • Stick or Mallet bag
  • Evans 12” Realfeel 2-Sided Practice Pad

Sophomore Year

  • Freshman year materials
  • 1 pair-Marimba Mallets- IP2003 or IP300
  • 2 pair-Vibe Mallets- IP1006 or IP2007

Junior/Senior Year

  • Freshman year materials
  • Sophomore year materials
  • 2 pairs-Drum-Set Sticks-IP-5A or IP-2B
  • 1 pair-Bamboo Timpani Mallets-BT-4

Go to to view all mallets and sticks.

July 30 Instrument Check out Sign-Up

Please fill out the form for school instrument check out:

We will only be checking out the following instruments: Tuba/Sousaphone, Marching Baritone, Mellophone, Tenor Sax

Band Dues and Form Collection Dates

Hello Band Parents and Students,

The Boosters will be at Riverdale High School this Friday evening July 24th, from 6PM to 8PM and Saturday morning, July 25th, from 8AM to 12 PM collecting registration paperwork and band dues.

A notary public will be on-site Friday and Saturday. Reminder: A parent or legal guardian must be present for the forms to be notarized.

Event Details

Friday evening July 24th, from 6PM to 8PM

-There is no drop off schedule. Come at your convenience during these hours.

Saturday morning, July 25th, from 8AM to 12 PM

  • To make the collection process as smooth as possible we would ask that you arrive at the school based upon the student’s grade:

    8AM-9AM Seniors

    9AM to 10AM Juniors

    10AM to 11AM Sophomores

    11AM to 12 PM Freshmen

If you would like to volunteer to help on Friday or Saturday, please contact:

Stephie Taki, Volunteer Coordinator,

Thank you,

Riverdale Band Boosters

Our Return to Band

Dear Band Students and Parents,

We know you’re disappointed about band camp being canceled: we are too.

With school about to start, there’s no way to actually postpone an entire week of camp. However, that’s exactly what we’re going to do.

“Huh?”  “What?”  “That’s crazy!”  “How?”  “Are you nuts?”

(Well, we must be nuts because that’s exactly what we plan to do.)

Once we get back in school and better know how this fall is going to work, we plan to have some of our camp staff members come in throughout the fall. Instead of our students drinking from the firehose of band camp knowledge, we’re going to trickle out a steady stream of learning throughout the fall.

 For our after-school rehearsals, we’ll have masterclassessectionals, and hopefully, new experiences for our students.

Will it be the same as good ol’ band camp?… Probably not.

Will it be better?… We think so.

We know it’ll smell better, for sure (there’ll be no band camp scent of sunscreen mixed with sweat). 

That’s a win-win for everyone, right? 😊

Just keep the following things in mind:

  • Just because it’s different doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s how we respond to change that matters.
  • What challenges us, changes us.
  • You’ll still receive the same level and quality of instruction that band camp offers, just spread out over a longer period of time (bonus!).
  • Most importantly, we’re here for you! If you don’t know, ask questions! We’re learning, too! 

You might find that you actually like this fall better than “what we used to do.” Or maybe not. It’s new, it’s different, and it’s going to be an adventure!

Remember, we’re in this together!

We’ll be navigating through this with you – and there’s nothing that we can’t do when we work together.

We can’t wait to see you!

Mr. Aymett & Mr. Crossley