Band Member Registration: 2020-2021

Welcome to #Riverdale49!

Mr. Aymett and Mr. Crossley have asked the Band Booster Officers to manage and oversee the annual band member and parent registration.   Because of this, all communications regarding the registration and required annual forms will come from the Riverdale Band Boosters.

Registration and forms are required for ALL MEMBERS that participate in any of the RHS Band Programs (Marching Band, Color Guard, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band)

We ask that a parent or legal guardian complete the on-line registration form or be present during the completion.  It is a very simple form and will take less than 5 minutes to complete.

There are 3 steps to complete the registration

  1. Complete the on-line registration form (Link on bottom left of page)
  2. Download the “Forms Packet” (Link on bottom right of page)
  3. Make a Payment (Refer to the “Financial Information section of the forms packet.)

FORMS PACKET will include the following additional information/forms

  • Financial Information
  • Travel & Photo Release Form
  • Medical Release Form (this form must be notorized)

The Travel & Photo Release Form and Medical Release Form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian.

These forms must be turned in by the first day of band camp or student’s first day participating in band activities.  You will be able to turn in forms during Uniform Fittings or at future announced dates.

If you have any questions regarding the forms, please email

Forms Packet

Financial Information

Travel & Photo Release Form

Medical Release Form

*Depending your browser settings, the form will either open to a new page or it will automatically download. If a page does not open, go to your “download folder” to look for the file.